Sunday, September 27, 2009

Drum Roll please.....

Tonight's dinner for me was Chicken, Steamed Brussels Sprouts, Steamed Brown Rice with black beans, and 3 large glasses of water.

We are getting ready to take a family walk around our neighborhood. I go to the gym in the am.

I have been doing research on complex and simple carbs to make sure I am eating the right things at the right time. Complex Carbs can be eaten throughout the day, night, and pre workout. Simple Carbs should only be eaten after workout and first thing in the morning...

Some examples of Complex are popcorn, broccoli, apples, and yogurt. Some examples of Simple are jelly beans,pretzels,wheat bread, and baked potato.

We need both kinds of carbs to function and lose weight and build muscle properly. Complex Carbs are released at a slower rate and give you a steady stream of energy, and feeling fuller longer. Simple Carbs are the "bad carbs", the can spike your insulin, but if eaten at the right times they can help build muscle, as the best time to eat those are first in the morning or right after a exhausting workout.

Complex Carbs are low glycemic index of 55 or below, High is 70 or above and those are the simple carbs.

To find out more about the glycemic index use these sites: or



Hot Mama's in Training said...

Baked potatoes are complex carbohydrates although sweet potatoes are the better potato choice

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are often referred to as starch or starchy foods. They are found naturally in foods and also refined in processed foods.

Complex carbohydrates as natural starches are found in:

* bananas
* barley
* beans
* brown rice
* chickpeas
* lentils
* nuts
* oats
* parsnips
* potatoes
* root vegetables
* sweet corn
* wholegrain cereals
* wholemeal breads
* wholemeal cereals
* wholemeal flour
* wholemeal pasta
* yams.

Complex carbohydrates as refined starches are found in:

* biscuits, pastries and cakes
* pizzas
* sugary processed breakfast cereals
* white bread
* white flour
* white pasta
* white rice.

Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are also known as sugars. They also exist in either a natural or refined form.

Natural sugars are found in fruit and vegetables.

Refined sugars are found in:

* biscuits, cakes and pastries
* chocolate
* honey and jams
* jellies
* brown and white cane sugar
* pizzas
* prepared foods and sauces
* soft drinks
* sweets and snack bars.

Simple carbohydrates (sugar) cause tooth decay.

Hot Mama's in Training said...

Baked Potatos Glycemic Index is 85 so no there not. Look it up. You have to be under 55 to be complex. I wrote that right out of my glycemic index chart book.

Dylett said...

Diabetics are allowed 1/2 of a medium baked potato as a complex carbohydrate serving. You can't eat an entire potato and stay within the glycemic guidelines for diabetics but 1/2 of a potato is fine. It is a starchy carbohydrate but a starchy complex carb non the less. Also whole wheat bread is considered complex as long as it is made with whole wheat flour (not processed) and you count one slice as a serving.

Type potato simple or complex carbohydrate into your search engine and you will see you are wrong.

I not only worked for the nutritional part of the hospital but my father is diabetic and I do look this stuff up, Katy.

Here is a google search if you don't believe me

For the potato, along with fruits, grains, and other vegetables, is a good source of today's nutritional darling, complex carbohydrates.

The potato we discussed earlier actually contains the complex carbohydrate

Starchy carbohydrates include food choices such as brown rice, baked and sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown pastas and whole grains.

Here's some good examples of complex carbohydrates:

* Sweet potato
* Oat bran bread
* All-Bran™
* Brown rice
* Pumpernickel bread
* Pastas
* Lentils
* Kidney beans
* Baked beans
* Chick peas
* Whole grain breads
* Oatmeal
* Whole grain flours
* Barley
* Potato

These examples of complex carbohydrates are your building blocks for a healthy complex carbohydrate diet. The best advice is to eat foods closest to their most natural state: oatmeal, brown rice, whole grains and so on.

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